Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What's For Breakfast?

I've always considered myself somewhat of a cereal connoisseur. That would be of course if you consider all of the tooth decaying morning diets of boxed candy the only cereal worth eating. And I did.

In the midst of working on books 5,6, and 7 I've developed a nasty case of nostalgia and become re-obsessed with the sugary sustinence that is kid's cereal. Here are some designs I've been messing around with.

While researching a had a number of revelations, like the fact that our boy Sugar juiced more than Canseco and Cappy used to rock an entourage while wielding a pirate size pocket knife.

Cappy's Crew

Peace (Also a cereal brand..Google it).


Anonymous said...

nice drawings! happy blog!

JunkyKid said...

Too good. These are great!